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What is a Labyrinth
The earliest reported labyrinth was a two-story stone building in Egypt.
In the Christian Middle Ages, labyrinths were often formed with paving stones in the floors of cathedrals. Walking the labyrinth in a cathedral during the Middle Ages was considered a substitute for making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. For those that could not make the long and arduous journey to the Holy Land walking a labyrinth in a church was a devotional prayer. Walking the labyrinth is a very ancient tradition that dates back over 3000 years and ancient labyrinths have been found all over the world.
Today labyrinths are used as walking meditations, as a way to focus the mind and put the walker in peaceful open state of being. As the walker makers their way to the center of the labyrinth the past is metaphorically shed until one reaches the stillness of the center. Then a greater reality is attuned to as the walker returns from the center to the outer once again.
As you prepare to enter the labyrinth you may want to focus your mind on a single thought or question. You may walk with reverence or a quite mind or you might hold some of the symbolic meaning of the labyrinth in mind. You can use a prayer or a mantra or nothing at all. There is no wrong way to walk the labyrinth, as there is no single right way to follow a path. Each month we hold a Full Moon Ceremony this offers participants a chance to walk the labyrinth under the full moon at High Mesa.
All are welcome! You can come here to reflect, retreat from life and heal from the inside out. The Labyrinth is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week no need to call ahead.
" I loved the labyrinth. It was made of beautiful rocks with crystals interspersed along the way and an alter at the center. It was a joy and a meditative thing to walk it" JJ
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